Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rollercoaster continues...

After reading about how orphanages are among targets for looting, Amanda's momma bear instinct kicked into HIGH gear - these are the times when i am impressed and a little frightened by her intensity and drive... but results happen! We have finally been in contact with Barb and know that Jayna is still safe - her papers are all ready to go (apparently the adoption process is complete in Haiti) we just need some "orphan evacuation papers" from the canadian embassy in Haiti and things should be on their way. Mr. Kenney's office is going to contact her and sort through all this. I have never talked to this many politicians in my life! They are actually quite nice, btw.

So, we wait, again. You can pray that these papers are ready and that all the fun government details get sorted out ASAP. Pray for protection over the orphanage (s) all over Haiti, and then be some of the answer to your prayers by sending donations to your favorite Haitian ministry - at this point, every single dollar counts. Here's a few ideas:

  • reach out to haiti
  • haiti arise
  • lifeline haiti (local guy: Crazy Bob Davidson)
  • prairie gleaners (preparing food to go to haiti  - actually, grab your family and go volunteer for a morning, its FUN
  • buy the "Hope for Haiti Now" Album off iTunes
  • bring all your empties (milk jugs included) to Redi Bottle Depo and tell them its for Hope4Haiti 
  • call Bean There Roasting Co. and order a lb of Haitian Blue freshly roasted beans - it will help you make other decisions about donating and serving.... but its not a donation!
as we know more, so will you! as a bit of encouragement, heres a chapter out of Isaiah that gets me psyched about what God's cookin' up in Haiti... (insert Haiti instead of Jerusalem...) 

1"Get out of bed, Jerusalem!
Wake up. Put your face in the sunlight.
GOD's bright glory has risen for you.
2The whole earth is wrapped in darkness,
all people sunk in deep darkness,
But GOD rises on you,
his sunrise glory breaks over you.
3Nations will come to your light,
kings to your sunburst brightness.
4Look up! Look around!
Watch as they gather, watch as they approach you:
Your sons coming from great distances,
your daughters carried by their nannies.
5When you see them coming you'll smile--big smiles!
Your heart will swell and, yes, burst!
All those people returning by sea for the reunion,
a rich harvest of exiles gathered in from the nations!
6And then streams of camel caravans as far as the eye can see,
young camels of nomads in Midian and Ephah,
Pouring in from the south from Sheba,
loaded with gold and frankincense,
preaching the praises of GOD.
7And yes, a great roundup
of flocks from the nomads in Kedar and Nebaioth,
Welcome gifts for worship at my altar
as I bathe my glorious Temple in splendor.

What's That We See in the Distance?
8"What's that we see in the distance,
a cloud on the horizon, like doves darkening the sky?
9It's ships from the distant islands,
the famous Tarshish ships
Returning your children from faraway places,
loaded with riches, with silver and gold,
And backed by the name of your GOD, The Holy of Israel,
showering you with splendor.
10Foreigners will rebuild your walls,
and their kings assist you in the conduct of worship.
When I was angry I hit you hard.
It's my desire now to be tender.
11Your Jerusalem gates will always be open
-open house day and night!-
Receiving deliveries of wealth from all nations,
and their kings, the delivery boys!
12Any nation or kingdom that doesn't deliver will perish;
those nations will be totally wasted.
13The rich woods of Lebanon will be delivered
-all that cypress and oak and pine--
To give a splendid elegance to my Sanctuary,
as I make my footstool glorious.
14The descendants of your oppressor
will come bowing and scraping to you.
All who looked down at you in contempt
will lick your boots.
They'll confer a title on you: City of GOD,
Zion of The Holy of Israel.
15Not long ago you were despised refuse--
out--of-the-way, unvisited, ignored.
But now I've put you on your feet,
towering and grand forever, a joy to look at!
16When you suck the milk of nations
and the breasts of royalty,
You'll know that I, GOD, am your Savior,
your Redeemer, Champion of Jacob.
17I'll give you only the best--no more hand-me--downs!
Gold instead of bronze, silver instead of iron,
bronze instead of wood, iron instead of stones.
I'll install Peace to run your country,
make Righteousness your boss.
18There'll be no more stories of crime in your land,
no more robberies, no more vandalism.
You'll name your main street Salvation Way,
and install Praise Park at the center of town.
19You'll have no more need of the sun by day
nor the brightness of the moon at night.
GOD will be your eternal light,
your God will bathe you in splendor.
20Your sun will never go down,
your moon will never fade.
I will be your eternal light.
Your days of grieving are over.
21All your people will live right and well,
in permanent possession of the land.
They're the green shoot that I planted,
planted with my own hands to display my glory.
22The runt will become a great tribe,
the weakling become a strong nation.
I am GOD.
At the right time I'll make it happen."

Grace and Peace,

jake and amanda

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